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And here’s my new sticker featuring an illustrious woman elected 👸🏾
I’ve given it a lot of thought, because there are of course many women who deserve to be honoured.

In the end, I chose Cleopatra, the legendary Queen of Egypt… Legendary for her supposed beauty, her nose, her reputation as a man-eater (a classic among women in power…), but I think she deserves to be stripped of her image as a seductress and to be seen as she deserves to be seen: an incredible political woman.

Cleopatra was a wise woman of power. A great strategist, she seized power on her own and, thanks to her alliances with Rome, fought for her country’s independence. She delayed as long as possible the moment when the country of the pharaohs would become a Roman province. In so doing, she extended Egypt’s freedom by more than 30 years.

Above all, Cleopatra was a woman who dared, who led armies and who imposed herself on men. Today, freed from the misogynist filter that distorted reality, we are rediscovering a powerful and free woman.

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